Since 1933, the Metal Treating Institute has been the Largest Network of Commercial Heat Treaters, Captive Heat Treaters, and Suppliers in the world. MTI leverages a membership located in 40 states and 8 countries to create a strong voice for member companies in the area of technical standards in Nadcap, CQI-9, AMEC Committee, ASTM, and SAE Additive Manufacturing Committee.
MTI has a wide array of products and services for each member type to help maximize your productivity, quality, safety, people, and profits. CLICK the video to the right to see the power of MTI and its members.
Bottom line...There is Strong. Then There is MTI STRONG.
CLICK the category below that bests fits your company and complete the online application.
Open to firms or corporations and divisions or subsidiaries thereof, who have regularly and continuously been engaged in the business of performing and selling on the open market the service of heat treating metals or metal and who's primary business and/or the majority of their revenue is generated by selling thermal processing services.
open to any firm or corporation, division or subsidiary thereof, which manufactures machinery, equipment, or materials or services commonly used in the heat treating process whereby revenues are generated directly from the sale of those goods. Manufacturing sales representative companies who represent one of more suppliers as a sales or marketing organization where a royalties or commissions are earned are excluded from membership.
Open to firms and corporations regularly and continuously engaged in in-house heat treating of metal or metal products.
Open to firms or corporations and divisions or subsidiaries thereof, who have regularly and continuously been engaged in the business of performing and selling on the open market the service of heat treating metals or metal and who's primary business and/or the majority of their revenue is generated by selling thermal processing services and exist outside the U.S. and Canada.
For more information, contact the MTI Offices at 904-249-0448 x101 or