Protecting the way you do business is a core element in MTI's value proposition.
The Metal Treating Institute is partnered with, has representation in, or member volunteer seats on many government or industry related groups who impact heat treating companies. MTI's Technical Standards Committee meets a minimum of four times a year via virtual meetings to discuss any issues related to heat treating specs in all industries to consider any action needed by MTI.
The following is a list of groups that MTI plays an active role in:
National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program - Nadcap
Nadcap is the governing body that audits heat treaters to the aerospace specs. The Metal Treating Institute has over 70 member companies who are Nadcap accredited. Nadcap typically meets twice a year in the United States, and once overseas. Over 40 members attend the U.S. based meetings with a number of them as voting members.
Automotive Industry Action Group - AIAG (WEBSITE)
AIAG is the governing body to the CQI-9 specifications that all heat treaters in the automotive industry heat treat to. MTI is a member of AIAG, as well as numerous members who serve on the committee groups who design the revisions for the CQI-9 automotive specs. MTI's official quality consultant, Rand Winters from the Rand Winters Group, is also very active within the CQI-9 development process.
Aerospace Metals & Engineering Committee (AMEC)
The AMEC Committee is a group who operates under SAE International. The AMEC Committee writes and approves all the specifications that Nadcap audits to in the aerospace industry. MTI members are very active within the AMEC Committee with 50% of attendees present at any of the 4 meetings held each year to review and design specs. Many MTI members who are involved with the AMEC Committee are authors of the specifications.
ASTM Standards
ASTM is another governing entity who works through committees to design standards and specifications in 15 different areas of heat treating. MTI coordinates with members sitting on these committees to ensure that your voice is heard and your input is considered in the final approved specification.
National Fire Protection Assocation - NFPA
NFPA is the standards and rule entity for the NFPA86. NFPA86 seeks to minimize the fire and explosion hazards in ovens and furnaces used for commercial and industrial processing of materials.
National Association of Manufacturers - NAM
MTI is a member of the Council of Manufacturing Associations which comprises over 250 manufacturing associations, with over 120,000 member companies. An MTI member holds a board seat on the NAM board, and CEO of MTI Management, Tom Morrison, is very active within the Council of Manufacturing Associations.
CLICK HERE for MTI's Government Affairs section; to check out the latest issues and/or to look up and write your members of Congress.
Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Association - CME
Through MTI's membership in the CME, MTI's Canadian members are affiliate members of the CME.