We, the members of the Metal Treating Institute, having associated to do our part in the broad effort of industry to foster, promote, and maintain high ethical standards in all business dealings, individually and collectively, pledge our every effort to:
- Treat every customer fairly and equitably, on a basis profitable to both the seller and buyer;
- Treat every supplier fairly, extending the same consideration to him as we would wish to receive from our own customers;
- Cooperate with our trade association, within legal limits, on a basis that will assist each unit in the industry to operate under high business standards and enable the industry as a whole to serve the public effectively and economically;
- Recognize that our employees are the lifeblood of our business; will maintain a sound and well-defined employee policy, suitable to the problems of our company, community, and industry that will provide free interchange of ideas between management and employees on all matters of mutual interest; give adequate opportunity for consideration and adjustment of all complaints; and will maintain a safe working environment and fair compensation for work performed;
- Recognize that we will not be successful unless our customers are successful and that we will provide the quality and service to help our customers become more competitive in the marketplace;
- Preserve our credit standing and goodwill by fair and equitable treatment of creditors;
- Demonstrate that the business is a desirable “Citizen” of the local community in which it operates;
- Cooperate with, and support all the agencies of government in the exercise of their legitimate functions.